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Modern Tech Stack Enabling efficient and effective compliance

The Hawk technology platform leverages cutting-edge techniques and best-in-class third-party providers.

Modern tech stack
Technology features

Modern technology for frictionless integration and operation

We use the latest methodologies to design and build our technology, resulting in scalability, efficiency, flexibility, and resilience.

Cloud-native platform

Using the most modern technologies operated and supported by Hawk. Software as a Service ensures no unexpected cost escalation from professional services or investment of your own technical resources. Always up to date, our cloud-native platform takes advantage of the newest functionality and compliance updates with constant releases.

Multi-tenant SaaS

With dynamic horizontally scalable architecture to achieve the highest cost efficiencies and demand-driven scalability to almost any level, processing billions of transactions in real time. Our platform is powered by containerized micro-services architecture on Kubernetes, Containerd, Spring Boot/Cloud, and a reactive communication utilizing Apache Kafka. 

Multi-cloud deployment

Multi-cloud enables global availability and catering for local data residency and optimal network latency. This allows us to deploy into new regions using coverage from different cloud providers. Multi-cloud is enabled by the highest degree of automation and architecture. Using infrastructure as code prevents technology lock-in, allowing us to deploy in any cloud around the world. 

Real-time processing at the core

Our technology is built from the ground up with a real-time focus to process billions of transactions. We also support batch integration when required. All technology components are optimized to respond in milliseconds, satisfying the increased demand for real-time monitoring and the option to stop transactions instantly. We provide a RESTful JSON API, easy to integrate for many use cases.

Strong resilience & disaster recovery

Our operational resilience and disaster recovery is centered on redundancy at all levels and tested with Chaos Engineering principles. Redundancy starts at the component level and extends up to data centers and availability zones. With this setup, we can withstand the failure of single micro services, infrastructure components, or even an entire data center without any impact on our service.

Technology Architecture

A refined tech stack for delivering results

We hand-select top-of-the-line providers to optimize our technology architecture for rapid deployment, scalability, and uninterrupted service.

Cloud Technology Stack

Discover the technology powering the future of AML and fraud compliance