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HAWK:AI is part of Germany’s new data ecosystem

FDBC eco system

Frankfurt, Dec 18, 2020 - HAWK:AI, TechQuartier, the Hessen Ministry for Economic Affairs, State of Hessen, and 10 project partners announced today the approval of a research and development project within the Financial Big Data Cluster (FBDC) initiative, which is part of the European GAIA-X initiative.
Called safeFBDC, this new cloud-based platform will provide access to sovereign financial data infrastructure and will allow traditional European financial institutions, FinTech companies, public stakeholders and research institutions to share necessary information developed to strengthen innovation. The project officially begins on January 1, 2021 and is the first of its kind in Europe.

The investing consortium includes Deloitte, Deutsche Börse Group, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Fraunhofer-Institute for Materials and Logistics (IML), Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, main incubator, Refinitiv, SAP SE and TU Darmstadt. Also included are more than 30 Strategic Partners.

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