Knowledge Hub Your trusted source for information on AI in financial crime
Our CEO, Tobias Schweiger, together with Lars-Heiko Kruse of PwC, gave a compelling talk “Black-box Humans VS. Transparent AI” at Frankfurt School’s 12th Annual Conference on Money Laundering Risk 2019.
Our CEO, Tobias Schweiger, participated in a panel discussion at
The FinTech business models are changing, the FinTech Revolution is well underway, with hawk:AI in the middle of it in the new Handelsblatt Article: “The Revolution of the Financial Industry Receives New Momentum”.
We at hawk:AI looked into the latest analysis by the German regulator with regard to AML. We agree with the direction, but when will it come true?
Munich-based hawk:AI supports international financial institutions with its software solution in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT).
hawk:AI – Markus Rinderer, Marcus Mosen, Michael Altrichter, Christian Deger, and Patrick Schmidt invest a seven-figure amount in the software startup hawk:AI.
Business Angel, Michael Altrichter, has together with other Angels (including Markus Rinderer, Marcus Mosen, Christian Deger and Patrick Schmidt) invested in Munich-based startup, hawk:AI.
Munich-based hawk:AI supports international financial institutions with its software solution in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT).
“The Financial Market Regulation should play a more active role in the creation of data pools” says hawk:AI’s CTO/CPO, Wolfgang Berner.
“The highest security standards are the foundation on which our compliance related software solution hawk:AI is built. The cooperation with the experts of was decisive for the improvement and the sharpening of our processes, controlling and technologies to protect our clients’ data.” – Wolfgang Berner, Co-Founder, CTO/CPO
Listen to our CEO, Tobias Schweiger, talk about the application of technology and Artificial Intelligence in Anti-Money Laundering at the Global RegTech Summit in London, 2019.
Learn how hawk:AI, a money laundering detection and investigation platform, uses machine learning to help...