Knowledge Hub Your trusted source for information on AI in financial crime
A player that until now only those in the know had on their radar is making people sit up and take notice.
to expand its product and market foot-print globally.
to optimize its AML compliance.
to optimize its AML compliance.
which will revolutionize the financial industry.
Cooperation in the fight against money laundering
Was gegen Geldwäsche zu tun ist und warum Banken dabei versagen.
The winners were selected from 200 applicant and received the awards on the 17th September 2020, in Frankfurt
The Fintech Germany Award has announced its list of winners for the year 2020.
Interview Swantje Francke & Stefan Raul — Head of AML Compliance bei HAWK:AI
Das Startup HAWK:AI setzt dem kriminellen Treiben Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning entgegen.
Beim Aufspüren von illegalen Transaktionen unterlaufen immer wieder Fehler. Künstliche Intelligenz soll weiterhelfen, die ersten Erfahrungen mit solchen Tools liegen jetzt vor.